Latest Developments The Coronavirus Act 2020[1] is now in force.  Private landlords, in most cases, now need to give three months notice before commencing possession claims to evict tenants.  Three months notice is required irrespective of the reason for the eviction. The new notice periods apply in England and Wales.  New prescribed forms apply in…

On 08.03.20 the government announced a “radical package of measures to protect renters and landlords affected by coronavirus.”  The package is to include emergency legislation to suspend new evictions. The announcement says that there would be no new possession proceedings started during the crisis, or for at least 3 months.  At the end of 3…

Introduction: The “Renters Reform Bill” was introduced in the Queen’s Speech in December 2019. The purposes of the Bill are to “Introduce a package of reforms to deliver a fairer and more effective rental market.” The main elements of the bill are: 1. Abolishing the use of ‘no fault’ evictions by removing section 21 of…

In this note, we consider the situation where there is an issue with a tenancy deposit; and that issue spans more than one tenancy.  Where the deposit has not been correctly protected and/or the prescribed information has not been provided to the tenant in accordance with the rules, the court must order that the landlord…

About our Fixed Fee Tenant Eviction in England & Wales by Tenant Eviction Solicitors We offer an Inexpensive, Quick and Effective Fixed Fee Tenant Eviction by Solicitors for Landlords, Letting Agents & Housing Associations Are you looking for an inexpensive, quick and effective solution to your tenant eviction problem in England & Wales?  If so we…

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